Olika typer är allt och inget samtidigt
Trigger phrase: Utsläppen av växthusgaser behöver minska i alla delar av samhället och vi behöver snabbare kunna gå från ord till handling genom styrning och olika typer av åtgärder, beteendeförändringar och innovationer.
So the phrase “olika typer” appears several times a day in texts I translate. And I’ve diligently translated the phrase over the years but I’ve now come to realise it is a meaningless phrase that includes every option in the world while not helping the reader to better understand the author’s intent. In fact, the author doesn’t even think about this phrase when they write it. It consists of standard empty words. So for now on I’m just going to ignore it for translations.
Just say no to “olika typer”.
Final translation: We need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout society while more rapidly shifting from words to deeds through measures, behavioural changes and innovations.